Orders are typically shipped within 3-7 business days from receipt. Orders are shipped from our distribution center in Arvin, CA.
Flat rate shipping starts at $10 USD.
We do not accept returns on wholesale orders placed via this website. All sales are final.
Unless a promotion code is specifically assigned to you or b2b customers, then all other promotion codes and additional discounts do not apply to wholesale orders. Once you login with your approved b2b account, all prices reflected on the site are inclusive of the wholesale discounts applied to your company.
On the product detail page, navigate to the accordion section on the right side. Expand the “Description” section. The style # will be located at the bottom of that section.
This site only allows for in-season ordering. If you wish to pre-order, contact b2bwholesale@nydj.com to set up a NuOrder account.
Please contact Lorie.Lopez@nydj.com
Register your store at https://nydj.com/pages/wholesale. The sales team will review your request and will respond to you within 10 business days.
Due to inventory and seasonality, a select catalog of products is available to our wholesale partners via this website.
Yes, we only accept credit cards on this website.
Payment is due at the time the order is placed. We accept all major credit cards.
Yes. All payment methods available will be listed at checkout.
Inventory reflected on this website is all that is available to purchase.
We do not offer additional discounts for employee orders on this website.
Please contact b2bwholesale@nydj.com.
Yes, you can add your own PO# at checkout before placing your order.
No. This website will ship orders only via our own Fedex and/or DHL accounts.
Only the shipping options shown at checkout are available. We cannot expedite any orders outside of the options listed.
If you would like to be assigned to a sales representative instead of shopping directly from our store, then please contact b2bwholesale@nydj.com.
No. Once your order is placed, we cannot modify anything on the order.